This page provides links to independent organisations which will listen to your voice and represent you in conversations with the leaders and managers of maternity and neonatal services in your local area. They challenge, contribute to, and influence decisions, based on the feedback you share and from our learnings as a critical friend to the service.

In the first instance of any concerns, complaints and compliments visit your local maternity website and access their Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), see links below:

Buckinghamshire Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership

Your local maternity and neonatal voices partnership based in the Buckinghamshire county.

Oxfordshire Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership

Your local maternity and neonatal voices partnership based in the Oxfordshire county.

Royal Berkshire Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership

Your local maternity and neonatal voices partnership based in the Berkshire West county.

South East Neonatal Parent Advisory Group

A service user led organisation which focus more on those who have experienced neonatal care.


There is a number of volunteering, charity and community organisations which you can access across BOB and other national organisations working with the BOB area, see further info below.

There is a number of organisations across BOB and nationally providing advice support and few community-based services in relation to maternity, neonates and Women’s Health. Our networks are expanding (we will add more in 24 – 25 but these are the bulk of them), see below following organisations

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